Migrants & Refugees

Settlement Support For Migrants & Refugees

Information for Refugees and New Migrants

Welcome to NZ, Nau Mai Haere Mai

Advice and Support


New Zealand Now
When you move to a new country there are a million questions to answer, and sometimes you won’t even know who to ask. Immigration New Zealand has information services for new migrants to help them settle and work in New Zealand. https://www.newzealandnow.govt.nz/

Citizens Advice Bureau help people to know and understand their rights. Provides free and impartial information and advice on a wide range of matters through 80 centres across the country.   Call 0800 FOR CAB (0800 367 222) or W: www.cab.org.nz

Newcomers Networks is a network of groups throughout New Zealand welcoming newcomers. W: www.newcomers.co.nz    

Red Cross – Migrant Programs and refugee resettlement services – 080073327677 www.redcross.org.nz 

Other government agencies, see page: 


Asylum Seeker Support Trust P:  09-378-7434 W: https://asst.org.nz/ 

Belong Aotearoa, Level 2, 8 Virginia Ave East, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1021, P: 09 625 2440   W: https://www.belong.org.nz/ 

Auckland Refugee Community Coalition (ARCC), 869 New North Road, Mt Albert
Auckland, New Zealand Tel: 09 846 0110 W: www.arcc.org.nz 

Migrant Action Trust, 22 Taumata Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025 P:  027 229 3502 W: www.migrantactiontrust.org.nz 

Refugees as Survivors New Zealand, Phone (09) 270 0870 W: www.rasnz.co.nz 

Other Cities:

Christchurch Resettlement Services, Level 1, 283 Lincoln Road, Addington, Christchurch, (03) 335 0311 W: www.crs.org.nz 

Marlborough Multicultural Centre, 21 Henry Street Blenheim 7201, P: 03 579 6410 W: https://multiculturalcentre.org.nz/ 

Multicultural Nelson Tasman, Office 9, 159 Hardy Street, Nelson 7010 Phone: 03 539 0030, W: www.nelsonmulticultural.co.nz 

The Settlement Centre Waikato, 46G Boundary Road, Hamilton Phone 07 853 2192 W: www.scw.org.nz 


ChangeMakers Refugee Forum (Wellington): Level 4, 39 Webb Street, Mount Cook, 6011. P: 04 801 5812 W: www.crf.org.nz 

New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils – Level 1, 192 Tinakori Road Thorndon, Wellington. P: 04 916 9177 W: www.multiculturalnz.org.nz 

Know your City

City Councils

Auckland City Council: 09 301 0101, W: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Christchurch:03 941 8999 ,  W: www.ccc.govt.nz

Dunedin: 03 477 4000 W: www.dunedin.govt.nz

Hamilton: 07 838 6699, W; https://www.hamilton.govt.nz 

Wellington: 04 499 4444 W: www.wellington.govt.nz

For other cities please see the Local Government NZ W: https://www.lgnz.co.nz/local-government-in-nz/new-zealands-councils 

Social Services

Emergency Services

Police, Fire, Ambulance – 111

Civil Defence: The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management leads the way in making New Zealand and its communities resilient to hazards and disasters. The website has details and contacts of local civil defence groups. W: https://www.civildefence.govt.nz/

Human Rights Commission: Works for a fair, safe and just society, where diversity is valued and human rights are respected. Freephone Info line: 0800 496877; W: www.hrc.co.nz 


COVID-19 Help and advice in other languages https://covid19.govt.nz/

Healthline is a free telephone health information service for all the family. The service is staffed by registered nurses who will assess your health needs. Freephone: 0800 611116 for free 24-hour health advice; www.healthline.co.nz 

Healthpoint provides up-to-date information about healthcare providers, referral expectations, services offered and common treatments. https://www.healthpoint.co.nz/

Plunket line – child health and parenting. 0800 933 922

Finance Services:


ANZ : 0800 269 296

ASB : 0800 803 804

BNZ : 0800 275 269

Kiwi bank 0800 11 33 55

Westpac 0800 400 600

Community Services Card: can help you and your family with the costs of healthcare. You’ll pay less on some health services and prescriptions. Free phone on 0800 999 999 with any questions and How to Apply. www.workandincome.govt.nz

SuperGold Card is a discounts and concessions card issued free to all eligible older persons. Free phone: 0800 254 565.

Saving for retirement

KiwiSaver Information : www.ird.govt.nz/kiwisaver or call 0800 549 472

Amanah Ethical – Kiwisaver, Sharia compliant investment group, www.amanahnz.com 0508 AMANAH (262624) 

Starting a business in New Zealand

business.govt.nz : Free business information and links to the wider business community. 0800 424 946

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise NZTE is New Zealand’s international business development agency. Information for offshore companies.  0800 555 888, https://www.nzte.govt.nz/ 


Inland Revenue: The New Zealand Inland Revenue website provides information and services related to taxes. Applying for IRD no, Working for Families, Tax refund, etc. more info on website: www.ird.govt.nz or call 0800 227 774

Working for Families Tax Credits: 0800 227 773

Welfare Services

Work and Income provides financial assistance and employment services throughout New Zealand. 0800 559009; W: www.workandincome.govt.nz

Working for Families 0800 774 004 

NZ Superannuation 0800 552 002

Residential Care Subsidy 0800 999 727 

Residential Support Subsidy 0800 999 779 

Student Finance/Study Link 0800 889 900 


The official New Zealand road code is a user-friendly guide to New Zealand’s traffic law and safe driving practices. You will be tested on this information in your theory and practical driving tests. W: www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode 

The New Zealand Automobile Association Inc.: 0800 500 44424-hour AA Roadservice: 0800 500 222 Mobile: *222

The NZ Transport Agency creates transport solutions for a thriving New Zealand. Driver licensing: 0800 822 422, W: www.nzta.govt.nz



Barnardos: 0800 227 627 

Jemmas 0800-536627

New Zealand Kindergartens Inc. P: 04 471-0775 W: www.nzkindergarten.org.nz 

Madrasah in NZ 

Ministry of Education: 0800 225 5428 W: www.minedu.govt.nz

for Schools and Universities see Kiwi Muslim Directory 

NZQA administers the National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEAs) for secondary school students and is responsible for the quality assurance of non-university tertiary training providers. 0800 697 296, W: www.nzqa.govt.nz 

Literacy Aotearoa is established to develop, promote and deliver accessible high quality literacy services designed to ensure the peoples of Aotearoa are critically literate and able to realise their full social, cultural and economic potential.0800 900 999   W http://literacy.org.nz/ 

English Language Partners: Working in partnership with refugees and migrants.  Have centres all over New Zealand.  Visit the website to locate the centre near you. www.englishlanguage.org.nz P: 04 471 2382. 


Careers New Zealand is the government agency responsible for leading the career development of all New Zealanders. Helps for decisions about work and learning in New Zealand. 0800 222 733, W: www.careers.govt.nz

NEW to New Zealand: www.careers.govt.nz/how-to-get-a-job/new-to-new-zealand 





Trade Me Jobs : www.trademe.co.nz

Student Job Search:  www.sjs.org.nz 

Housing, Power and Connectivity

Building and Housing Group: www.dbh.govt.nz – Tenancy Advice: For tenancy advice, bond and information: Call 0800 TENANCY (0800 83 62 62) 

Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities  https://kaingaora.govt.nz/ 



Trade Me Property: www.trademe.co.nz 


Power Switch – for list of electricity providers nationwide and deals. https://www.powerswitch.org.nz/ 


Fixed line, broadband and mobile phone – list of providers nationwide and deals comparison website https://www.broadbandcompare.co.nz/ 


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