Government Agencies & Support
Government Agencies & Support Organisations
The Alcohol Drug Helpline provides friendly, non-judgmental, professional help and advice. If you are concerned about drinking or drug taking we can assist with information, insight and support. Phone 0800 787 797. List of providers available on
Quitline, New Zealand: Quitting smoking is hard work but you don’t have to do it alone. If you are thinking about quitting, are working to become a non-smoker, or you have relapsed – you will find support information by calling 0800 778778;
Autism New Zealand – Taking every step together, our vision is to empower the autistic and wider autism communities. 0800 288 476
Barnardos New Zealand: Providing services to at-risk and disadvantaged New Zealand children and their families. Details of services and offices throughout the country. Freephone: 0800 4 BARNARDOS;
Family Success Matter, Auckland – FAMILY START – Free long-term family support services in Manukau & Franklin, available for struggling whānau with pregnant mums or infants up to 12 months old. 0800 3267 8278
Mana Mokopuna – Children and Young People’s Commission – speaks on behalf of all children and young people to ensure their rights are respected and upheld Information about children’s rights 0800 224 453
Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children, (Was Child Youth and Family CYFS) is the statutory child protection agency in New Zealand. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, or are worried about a child or young person, call on Freephone: 0508 326459; W
Parenting Helpline – to help parents with all parenting challenges from those everyday situations to the most serious issue of child abuse. P: 0800 568 856 E: W:
Parent to Parent – Empowering parents, caregivers and whanau of children with disabilities, health impairments or special needs through support and provision of information. 0508 236 236
Parents of Vision Impaired59 Commerce Street, Frankton, Hamilton P: 022 621 5740
Plunket: Provides a caring, professional well child and family/whānau service. Committed to providing universal access to services for all children and families regardless of ethnicity, location or ability to pay. Freephone: 0800 933922;
Family and Community Services (MSD) work with other government and non-government agencies, and communities to give families access to information and coordinated social services.
Family Planning: works to promote a positive view of sexuality and to enable people to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being. FPA provides sexual and reproductive health information, clinical services, education, training and research.
Victim Support is a community organisation that helps people hurt by crime and other trauma. They provide emotional and practical support, information, financial assistance, referral to other support services and advocacy for victims’ rights. Free Helpline: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842846);
Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand. Freephone: 0800 101996;
Births, Deaths and Marriages registers and maintains New Zealand birth, death, marriage, civil union and name change information. Freephone: 0800 225252;
Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) is a voluntary organisation providing FREE, confidential information and advice to anyone about any query. Freephone: 0800 367222;
Consumer Protection: Consumer information, advice.
Consumer NZ: Independent, not-for-profit organisation whose work covers a wide range of activities relating to consumer protection and product comparisons.
Community Law Centre: Community legal services including legal advice, legal assistance and representation, legal information, legal education and law reform activities. Website has free legal information, factsheets and guides. Centres throughout NZ. Visit website for contact details:
Charities Services, promotes public trust and confidence in the charitable sector and encourage the effective use of charitable resources. Freephone – 0508 CHARITIES (0508 242 748)
Elections NZ: If you are turning 18 or a permanent resident you can contact or visit the website to enrol. Electoral Enrolment Centre, Freephone: 0800 367656;
Employment Relations Authority Basic information on laws relating to the workplace. Outlines the main rights and obligations of employers and employees. Freephone: 0800 209020; W:
Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities (was Housing NZ) brings together the people, capabilities and resources of the KiwiBuild Unit, Housing New Zealand and its development subsidiary HLC. Freephone: 0800 801601;
i-SITE: New Zealand’s official visitor information network with 90 i-SITEs nationwide. Itinerary planning and information. Bookings nationwide – accommodation, transport, activities, transport. Free maps, weather and mountain safety information. Internet kiosks. Local information – events, attractions, restaurants. Please select your closest centre from website when travelling around New Zealand for tourist information. Freephone: 0800 474 830;
Immigration New Zealand: Auckland residents call (09) 914 4100, Rest of New Zealand Freephone: 0508 558855;
New Zealand Customs Service website. Here you will find information about entering and leaving New Zealand, and bringing in and sending out goods – as well as ways to contact us directly if you need more help. 0800 428786 W;
New Zealand Police provides policing services 24 hours a day and operates from more than 400 community-based police stations throughout New Zealand.
Crimestoppers. To provide information about crimes anonymously, freephone 0800 555111 (New Zealand only)
NZ Transport Agency. Building a better transport system for New Zealanders.
Licensing vehicle, driver licence, road and travel info, vehicle registration, etc. Freephone: 0800 822422;
The Broadcasting Standards Authority NZ: The BSA was set up to oversee the broadcasting standards regime in New Zealand. Freephone Infoline: 0800 366996;
The Ministry of Education is the Government’s lead advisor on the education system, shaping direction for education agencies and providers and contributing to the Government’s goals for education. P: (04) 463 8000; W:
The Ministry of Justice delivers court and tribunal services including collection of fines and reparation, provides policy advice and negotiates Treaty of Waitangi claims on behalf of the Government. Contact details for local courts can be found at
Tourism New Zealand: Website features a database of tourism industry operators in New Zealand.
Health and wellbeing
Allergy New Zealand is a national charity that provides information, education and support to improve the quality of life for the tens of thousands allergy sufferers and their families. Freephone: 0800 340800;
Arthritis New Zealand A national nonprofit committed to supporting those with arthritis. Support services, education, self-management programmes, lobbying, and research funding. 0800 663 463
Asian Family Services (AFS) provides nationwide free, professional and confidential face-to-face or telephone support to Asians living in New Zealand.Level 1/128 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland. P: 0800 862 342
Blind Foundation is the country’s main provider of sight loss habilitation and rehabilitation service. Freephone: 0800 243333;
Brain Injury Association: Information and education for people with brain injury and their families so they can better understand the implications of the injury.
Cancer Society – Support – 0800 226 237.
Deaf Aotearoa – New Zealand: focuses on promoting awareness of, access to and advancement of New Zealand Sign Language – to help strengthen the rights of Deaf people and give them the confidence to be an active part of society. Visit website for locations in your region:
Diabetes New Zealand: Educates and informs people about diabetes, its treatment, prevention, and cure. Freephone: 0508 342238;
Health and Disability Commissioner is an independent agency set up to: Promote and protect the rights of consumers who use health and disability services. The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights applies to all health and disability services in New Zealand. 0800 11 22 33
Health and Disability Advocacy: Advocates assist you to resolve your complaint about a health or disability service. An advocate assists by listening to your complaint, giving you information about your rights and options for resolution, then supporting your decision. Freephone 0800 555050;
Independent Living Services (ILS) is a not-for-profit community-focused organisation committed to meeting the needs of disabled people, older persons and their families/whanau. 14 Erson Avenue, Royal Oak, Auckland 1061, P: (09) 625 0322 W:
IHC is New Zealand’s largest provider of services to people with intellectual disabilities and their families. It advocates for the rights, inclusion and welfare of all people with an intellectual disability, and supports them to live satisfying lives in the community.0800 442 442
National Heart Foundation. The Heart Foundation of New Zealand supports the community, researchers and medical professionals, reducing heart disease through education and intervention. 0800 863 375
New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) ensures the supply of safe blood products. Contact for Blood Donations. Freephone: 0800 448325;
Parkinsons NZ – A non-profit, voluntary organisation, providing support, education and information for people with Parkinsons 0800 473 4636
St John is at the frontline of medical response providing Ambulance Services throughout New Zealand. Also part of the broader landscape of health and social care, through our provision of first aid training, event medical services, medical alarms, youth programmes and a wide range of community programmes. 0800 785 646.
The Asian Network Inc. (TANI): TANI is a pan-Asian community organisation working for the betterment of Asian community’s life and wellbeing. P: (09) 815 2338;
The National Poisons Centre is a 24/7 Poisons Information Service available to all New Zealanders. Supported by the Ministry of Health and ACC, the NPC maintains a database of poisonous substances in NZ and Australia, and provides professional advice during poisoning incidents. 0800 764766
The NFD (National Foundation for the Deaf) promotes the interests of nearly half a million deaf and hearing-impaired New Zealanders. It focuses on breaking down barriers for people with hearing loss. The Foundation promotes the appreciation of good sound, and encourages all New Zealanders to protect and preserve their hearing.0800 867 446
Mental Health
Balance NZ is a charitable trust that makes a difference in the lives of those affected by mental health issues with a focus on mood disorders. For support in your region 0800 10 25 55
Depression Helpline: is a very common but potentially serious illness. People with depression don’t usually get better on their own. If you think you may be suffering from depression, Call to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions. Freephone 0800 111757;
Kāhui Tū Kaha–(Muslim Mental Health Service) 650 Great South Rd, Ellerslie, Auckland. 09 531 4040 Web:
LifeLine – Free, professional, confidential telephone counselling services and professional ‘face to face’ counselling 0800 543 354 – 24 hours, 365 days a year.
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand: Works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing. Our work seeks to influence individuals, whanau, organisations and communities to improve and sustain their mental health and reach their full potential.
Men Support
Gandhi Nivas Safe House for South-Asian Men, Auckland: 0800 426 344
Male Friendly New Zealand Men’s & Fathers’ Support Groups Nationwide Directory
Migrants and Refugees see page :
Breast Cancer Foundation: A non-government funded charitable trust promoting awareness, providing information and education. Freephone: 0800 902732;
Sahaayta Counselling and Social Support: Primary focus remains the safety well-being of South-Asian migrant and refugee families. Provides culturally appropriate counselling services.15A Norman Spencer Drive, Papatoetoe, Auckland. P: 09 – 280 4064,
Shakti Community Council Inc.: Women in crisis can call our 24-hour, toll-free crisis line. 0800 742584
Shine*: National domestic violence charity helps keep people safe from abuse. Offers helpline, training and consultancy services throughout New Zealand. Freephone: 0508 744633;
Women’s Refuge – Information, advice, and support for women, children, families and whanau experiencing family violence. 0800 733 843
Refuges and Migrants: Please see page:
Senior Citizens
Age Concern: Not-for-profit dedicated to promoting the quality of life and well-being of older people. Has information and advice on elder abuse, and resources for those working with older people who are concerned about violence. Visit website for contact details for your region.
Alzheimers New Zealand support for the people affected by dementia 0800 004 001
Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust, Auckland, offer a wide range of services to Indian Senior Citizens, also has Children & Youth Wing, New Migrants Support Wing and Social Services Wing. P: 09 443 0579
Shanti Niwas Charitable Trust, Auckland: Working with socially isolated senior citizens of Indian and South Asian origin living in the Auckland region. Also provides Elder Abuse and Neglect prevention services and other Aged related services. P: (09) 622 1010;
Canteen – Supporting young people aged 13 – 24 living with cancer. 0800 226 8336.
Youth helpline, counselling, support and youth development services – Talking to someone helps. Call 0800 376633 or Free TXT 234 for support with bullying;
Youth Law Tino Rangatiratanga Taitamariki: Free community law centre for children and young people nationwide. Provides free legal services to anyone aged under 25 who are unable to access legal help elsewhere, or those acting on their behalf. Freephone: 0800 884529, W:
Updated: Nov 2024