Educational Institutions
Schools In New Zealand
A detailed list of New Zealand schools is available on the Ministry of Education’s website:
Universities in New Zealand
North Island
- University of Auckland Private Bag 92019, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, NEW ZEALAND, P: 0800 61 62 63 for student enquiries +64 9 373 7999
- Auckland University of Technology Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1142 New Zealand. P: 09 921-9909, Free Phone: 0800 AUT UNI or 0800 288 86 Email:
- University of Waikato 0800 WAIKATO, 0800 924 528 (within New Zealand +64 7 838 4610 (outside New Zealand) E:
- Massey University Tel: 0800 MASSEY, Intl.:+64 6 350 5701 E:
- Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140 Telephone:+64-4-472 1000, E-mail:
South Island
- University of Canterbury University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140 +64 3 366 7001 or 0800 VARSITY, (0800 827 748),
- Lincoln University PO Box 84, Lincoln 7647, Canterbury, New Zealand P: 64-3-325 2811 Freephone: 0800 10 60 10
- University of Otago PO Box 56 Dunedin, Tel 64 3 479 1100, Information Line 0800 80 80 98, +64-3-4797000. E: Dunedin School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Pharmacy, Tel 64 3 479 1200
Polytechnics/Institutes in New Zealand
North Island
- Northland Polytechnic Private Bag 9019, Whangarei, 0148 New Zealand. P: 0800 162 100, Phone +64 9 470 3555 or 0800 808 856,
- Manukau Institute Of Technology Private Bag 94006, South Auckland Mail Centre, Manukau 2240 P: 0800 22 62 62 or +64 9 968 8000 outside New Zealand. Email:
- UNITEC Course Information Centre, Private Bag 92025, Auckland Mail Centre Auckland 1142. P: 0800 10 95 10 or +64 9 815 2945, Email:
- KAAT Institute of New Zealand, 208A Preston Road, East Tamaki, Auckland-2023 P: 09-2746918 Email:
- Waikato Institute Of Technology Private Bag 3036 Hamilton 3240, P: 0800 2 Wintec (0800 2 946 832) (Or +64 7 838 6399 from overseass
- Bay Of Plenty Polytechnics Private Bag 12001, Tauranga 3143 P: 07-544 0920 or 0800 BOP POLY (2677659).
- Waiaraki Institute Of Technology – Rotorua Private Bag 3028, Rotorua, 3046 New Zealand. P: 0800 Waiariki (924 274) or +64 7 346 8999.
- Wellington Institute Of Technology Private Bag 39803 Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045. P: 0800 WelTec (935 832) or +64 4 9202 400.
South Island
- Tai Poutini Polytechnics Private Bag 607, Greymouth, New Zealand. P: +64 3 7699 400 or 0800 800 411.
- Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) PO Box 540, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand. P : +64-3- 940 8000, 0800 24 24 76
- Aotaki Polytechnics Private Bag 902, Timaru 7940 . P: +64-3-684 8240 or 0800 4 AORAKI (0800 426 725). Email:
- Otago Polytechnics Private Bag 1910 Dunedin, P: +64-3-477 3014 or 0800 762 786. Email:
- Southern Institute Of Technology 133 Tay Street, Invercargill 9840 P: 64 3 211 2699, 0800 4 0 FEES (0800 4 0 3337), Email Web