Funeral Information
Funeral Information
Allah says: “Innalilahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon” To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.” (Quran Surat Al Baqarah 2:156)
“Every soul shall have a taste of death, then to us you will be ultimately returned.” (Quran Surat Al Ankaboot 29:57)
Death is a very painful and emotional time, yet one that may be filled with hope and mercy. Muslims believe that death is a departure from the life of this world, but not the end of a person’s existence. Rather, eternal life is to come, and we pray for God’s mercy to be with the departed, in hopes that they may find peace and happiness in the life to come.
Information for Health care providers: If the patient has no family members around, please contact a Muslim Imam/chaplain
Procedure For Salat ul Janazah
The following is a brief description of Salat ul Janazah:
(1) The Imam should raise his hands, recite the Takbeer, and then tie his hands as in all other Salats. Those offering the Salat should follow, and then recite Sana and Surat ul Fatihah silently.
(2) The Imam should say the Takbeer audibly a second time. He may or may not raise his hands while doing this. Others should follow, and then recite then invokes peace and blessings on the Prophet (pbuh). This is wajib..
(3) The Imam should recite the Takbeer a third time while others should follow. Then everyone should offer dua (supplication) for the deceased person.
(4) The Imam should recite Takbeer a fourth time as above. Everyone should then offer prayers for the Muslim community in general, again silently.
(5) Finally, the Imam should recite Salam as in all other prayers to complete Salat ul Janazah. Salam may be offered once to the right only, or once each to the right and then to the left as in all other prayers.
This would complete the Salat ul Janazah.
Funeral Services – FUNERAL CONTACTS
Al Farooq Cultural & Dvpt. Trust Centre, Otahuhu – Imran Cameron: + 64 21 165 7863, Maulana Kalim Hussain: +64 21 663 842
At-Taqwa, Manukau – Sheikh Mohammed Anwar P: 0275171107, Mohammed Rafiq P: 021-1060456,
Islamic AhlulBayt foundation of NZ, Pakuranga – Br. Abu Murtuza +64 274 813 912, Sr. Fazilat +64 21 108 7176, Sr. Huma +64 21 226 4546
The New Zealand Muslim Association (NZMA) – Tazib ali hussain Funeral director 0212077618, Mohammed Sahid Assist funeral director – 0275448929, Shameer Raza Assist funeral director – 0211743858
Masjid As-Salam, Glendale – Haji Basir Safi – 0212532247
Masjid Ayesha, Manurewa – Abdul Qayyum – 0211 146 656
Masjid E Umar, Mt Roskill. Shaikh Khalil Ahmed Nadat P: 0226716102
New Lynn Islamic Centre – Sheraj Ali P: 0274844232 or 09-6271424
SAMA (South Auckland Muslim Association) – 09-2766725, Molvi Abdul Shafeez – 021 298 2851, Br. Mohammed Omar – 0272347743
Working together Group (WTG), Auckland Region – FREE Janazah (Funeral) Service, P: 022 4 JANNAH (0224 526624)
CHRISTCHURCH – Masjid Al Nur – Muslim Association of Canterbury – Sirajul Haq, 021497786
DUNEDIN – The Otago Muslim Association Inc – Masjid Al Huda -, Dr. Haizal Hussaini and Haji Steve Johnston –
Waikato Muslim Association – Funeral coordinator: Mohammed Akabai P: 0211431207
Hamilton West Islamic Centre – Mohammed Hassan P: 07-8463070, M: 0274 744201,
HAWERA Islamic Centre – Br. Ashraf Ali P: 027632562
HAWKE’S BAY – Baitul Mokarram Masjid & Islamic Centre – Saeed Ahmed, 0211231171
MANAWATU REGION / PALMERSTON NORTH Islamic Centre – Br Imtiaz, 021 786 779.
NAPIER Islamic Centre – Mohammed Naeem P: 0274057250
NEW PLYMOUTH Islamic Centre – P: 0800 786 000
NELSON Nelson Islamic Centre (Nelson Whakatu Muslim Association) –
SOUTHLAND Muslim Association – P: 0272 404382
TAURANGA Muslim Association – Imam Ahmed Abdelkader P: 0211542470
TE KUITI Islamic Centre – Sheikh Abdullah P: 0210345139
TIMARU Muslim Educational Trust – Masjid Bilal – Dr. Muhammad Ibrar Khalid, Chairman/Trustee): 027-2156006
WELLINGTON – Wellington Islamic Centre – Yakub Khan P: 04-3800 900
Tawa Islamic Center – Sheikh Mustafa, P:043889976, M: 0212472909
For all other area please contact your Islamic Centre
Updated: Nov 2024