Youth in Islam: Hafiz Talhah Nadat
Youth in Islam, Hafiz Talhah Nadat
The value of “time” is an important aspect of Islam. Allah Subhana Wa Taala (SWT) has taken an oath by it in the Holy Quran, proving that time is a priceless phenomenon which demands correct utilisation.
We’ve all been granted this asset of time, though the fact is time is constantly ticking. The great Imam Hassan Al-Basari R.A (21-110 AH) said: “You are nothing but a number of days, and whenever a day passes away, a part of you passes away”.
In Islam a Muslim is accountable for his actions after reaching puberty. This age to approximately the age of 40 is a period most crucial in proving one’s obedience and submission to Allah. This period is called the age of youth in Islamic terms.
Allah the All Mighty has made it very clear to us that life is a journey to Allah. It is a mission where one is challenged to attain salvation through adherence to the implications of the deen.
In a narration the Prophet SAW states that on the day of resurrection, every human will be asked: how did you spend your youth? This is because the youth is where each person is most capable to endeavor and achieve feat, be it in virtue or sin. Youth is Prime, youth is resources, youth is ambition, youth is stubbornness, youth is motivation, youth is capacity, youth is inspiration. This is why the Prophet SAW said: “Youth is a fragment of insanity”.
If we take a look through the pages of history, it is evident that many Muslim scholars, reformers, leaders, and intellectuals achieved their feats during their youth. The most excellent example of this is the Prophet of Islam himself who developed into such a brilliant person by the end of his youth that upon reaching the age of 40 years, he was acknowledged by Allah as the one eligible to be the recipient of prophethood and revelation.
The Prophet then devoted his life to awaken all others and steer them towards true salvation, Islam. Many of the first believers of the Prophets mission were predominantly youth, both men and women. It was these very youth, the likes of Omar al-Farooq and Ayesha al-Siddiqa with tens of others (may Allah be pleased with them) who lived exemplary lives paving the path for the justice of Islam to exist throughout the globe.
Every human has the potential to be saintly. The way to move in this direction is by repenting to The Most Merciful, subscribing to the religion of Allah and its theory and practicality. One must seek guidance from the poise Ulema of Islam and their devotees. One must adopt means to combat the Devil and the Nafs (carnal desires). The Prophet SAW said: “There are seven such people who Allah will grant his shade to on the day (of judgment) when there will be no shade other than his. Of them is the youth who lived his youth being dutiful to Allah”.
True Muslims are those who relive the legacy of their Prophet who was like a candle wick, alight, ready to light every other candle still in darkness. One must never forget that Youth will be accounted for in Allah’s court. A successful Muslim is one who will be rewarded with an everlasting retirement in the hereafter, Akhirah.
InshaAllah, Allah willing.
Published in 11th Edition – 2020