The everlasting values of Islam
The everlasting values of Islam
Sheikh Muhammad Amir, FIANZ Ulema Council
The root of the word Islam, silm, refers to “making peace, being in a mutually peaceful environment. The “submitting the self and obeying” here means “submitting to justice and righteousness in order to reach peace and safety and being in a peaceful environment by one’s free will.”
Since Islam means living in a peaceful environment that emerges as a result of submission to Allah, the Qur’an asks that all humanity should embrace silm, peace, and reminds us to avoid following Satan. As stated in the verse: “O you who believe! Come in full submission to Allah, all of you, and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan, for indeed he is a manifest enemy to you (Qur’an, 2:208).
The purpose of Islam
In order to be able to portray a fair image of Islam, we have to consider its divinely inspired purposes, which yield, as a result, a just worldly order. By applying preventive measures to ensure security of wealth, life, mind, religion, and reproduction, Islam aims to build a society in peace, serenity, friendship, collaboration, justice, and virtue.
Social Peace
In Islam, the right to life is an absolute value, as Allah Almighty says: “He who kills a soul will be as if he had killed all humankind; and he who saves a life will be as if he had saved the lives of all humankind” (Qur’an 5:32).
When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) explained Islam’s potential to contribute to safety and peace in society, he specified one goal in his time as the following: “A rider will travel from Sana’a (a city in Yemen) to Hadhramaut (a region in the southwest of the Arabian peninsula) fearing none but Allah….”(Bukhari)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) commanded us to maintain social solidarity and cooperation, to open our hearts to our fellow human being, and to help one another at all times. He said, “Do not cut relations between each other! Do not turn your backs on each other! Do not grow hatred between each other! O Allah’s servants! Become brothers!”(Muslim)
The Importance of Justice
The Quran, the sacred scripture of Islam, considers justice to be a supreme virtue. It is a basic objective of Islam to the degree that it stands next in order of priority to belief in Allah’s exclusive right to worship (Tawheed) and the truth of Muhammad’s prophethood. Allah declares in the Quran:
“Allah commands justice and fair dealing…” (Quran 16:90)
And in another passage: “O you who believe, be upright for Allah, and (be) bearers of witness with justice!…” (Quran 5:8)
Therefore, one may conclude that justice is an obligation of Islam and injustice is forbidden. The centrality of justice to the Quranic value system is displayed by the following verses:
“We sent Our Messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the Measure in order to establish justice among the people…” (Quran 57:25)
“Let not the hatred of a people swerve you away from justice. Be just, for this is closest to righteousness…” (Quran 5:8)
Serving Humanity
Serving and treating fellow human beings with courtesy and kindness is an essential part of a good moral conduct. The Holy Qur’an details the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and all succeeding prophets from his son, Prophet Ishaque (AS)’s progeny. Their covenant is mentioned in the glorious Quran in these words:
“Remember when We took a pledge from the Children of Israel: ‘Worship none but one God; be good to your parents and kinsfolk, to orphans and the poor; speak good words to all people; keep good words to all people; keep up the prayer and pay the prescribed alms. Then all but a few of you turned away and paid no heed.” (Quran 2: 83-84)
The mission of Islamic life is to be of service and a source of comfort, and not a cause of hardship or discomfort to others. All human beings are not alike; some are well to do while others are under-privileged. Islam demands from the former to serve the latter and provide them what they need for survival. The blessings we enjoy day and night are given by Allah (SWT), and we did not earn, nor did anything special to deserve them. It is Allah’s mercy for which we should be thankful and the best way to thank Him is to let u share those blessings that we have with those of us who do not have.
Serving and helping others is serving Allah in the sight of Islam. If someone stretches his hand out to you to seek help, and if it returns empty, you than have refused to help Allah. To please Allah is through pleasing His bondsmen. The One in the heaven becomes kind to you if you are kind to those who inhabit the earth.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized love, sympathy, and kindness towards all. He also emphasized that we must show each other great appreciation. He said, “One who is not grateful to mankind is not grateful to Allah.” (Tirmidhi)
Islam teaches us to open our hearts and minds to help the needy and the destitute without any distinction of colour, creed, race or religion. One has to rise above these biases and prejudices. Humanity is just one and one family. We are from one father and one mother. Abdullah bin Masood (RA) relates that Prophet (SAW) said: “The entire humanity is Allah’s family, and Allah loves him most from among this family, who benefits the family most. [Mishkawt]
Islam, a Complete Way of Life
Islam is not a religion in the common and distorted sense, for it does not confine its scope to one’s private life. It is a complete way of life and is present in every field of human existence. Islam provides guidance for all aspects of life – individual and social, material and moral, economic and political, legal and cultural, and national and international. The Qur’an enjoins human being to embrace Islam without any reservation and to follow Allah’s guidance in all areas of life.
Islam is international in its outlook and approach and does not admit barriers and distinctions based on colour, clan, blood, or territory, as was the case before the advent of Muhammad. Unfortunately, these prejudices remain rampant in different forms even in this modern age. Islam wants to unite the entire human race under one banner. To a world torn by national rivalries and feuds, it presents a message of life and hope of a glorious future.