Islamization of Social Issues in New Zealand
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
Islamization of Social Issues in New Zealand : Shaykh Muhammad Shaffiee
New Zealand is a home to many multi cultural Muslims and most of them are immigrants who have come here in the hope of making a better life for themselves and their families. As the population of Muslims increases in this land, their attitudes towards religious and cultural values are changing.
Most importantly, It is noted that marital forms, structures, and meanings are changing rapidly for Muslims in the West, including New Zealand.
As the structure of family changes over time, so do the challenges families face.
For instance, marital conflicts and divorce rates are increasing. As a result, children growing up in broken families experience some problems in their social, emotional and educational functioning.
There are increased numbers of Muslim youth in substance abuse, drugs and suffering addiction.
Moreover, Identity issues are also prominent within the Muslim community in New Zealand especially amongst the younger generations.
Muslim youths are confused with their religious identity, ethnic identity and Western identity and many youngsters let go of their religious identity and choose to identity themselves as a Westerner.
As the religious and cultural values are declining amongst the youngsters , the generation gap is widening.
Conflict between adolescents and traditional parents causes dispute and destruction in the family.
Such conflicts and disputes may cause frustration, anxiety, distress and may lead to depression.
Muslims usually approach their local religious leaders/ Imams with wide range of issues and seek help and support through them.
Unfortunately, most of the Imams are not professionally trained to tackle these issues. On the other hand, Western counselling services are not culturally appropriate for Muslims as their world view is entirely different.
Therefore, Muslims need to have access to religious and culturally sensitive qualified mental health professionals, family liaisons and Youth workers in order to deal with modern trends and challenges they face in their day to day lives.
Today, families are under so many different pressures. However. Muslims should focus on building stable families.
A strong foundation of faith is extremely important for building a stable family. When the family has a strong foundation, it can overcome many threats.
We need parents to act as role models for their children. Positive parent–child communication serves as a protective factor in children’s lives.
Children feel secure and loved when they have strong and positive family relationships. Resolving conflict is easier when family members have good relationships with each other.
I strongly believe, when we are in full control of our attitude, we can change our lifestyles and circumstances by the Will of Allah Almighty. In sha Allah.
Shaykh Muhammad Shaffiee
Registered Social Worker and Health Professional.
Imaam and Muslim Cultural Consultant.
Member/ UCNZ.
021 1543712.
Published in the 13th Edition – 2022